Saturday, October 27, 2012

Let The Madness Begin

Wow. Again, I stand in amazement of God's faithfulness. I got a call from my representative this week and she confirmed all my information and I am officially lined up to go to India and Nepal next summer. I couldn't help but sit back, close my eyes, and smile at how amazing my Father truly is. I mean, I went from hearing "absolutely, no way in the world are you going" just two months ago, to "you are lined up ready to go, I'm looking forward to meeting and seeing you in June.". WOW!! I mean WOW!! That's the only thing I can say to explain how I feel right now!

As if God wasn't great enough, I received my first donation today. WHAT?!? I guess it never occurred to me that this whole experience has been governed by God's own hand. I am one step closer to getting there. He never ceases to amaze me.

I know that I am being really repetitive tonight, but I am truly grateful and amazed at all that God is doing in my life right now. He is holding me and isn't going to leave me every step of the way. What other God will do that?

If you would like to donate you can go to and enter my missionary ID which is 2683892. Make sure my name appears before proceeding. It will show up as Cassidy Evans. Thank you so much in advance, and please if anything, please give me your prayers!

It's amazing what happens when I let God be in control.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God Is ALWAYS Faithful

Today I sit in amazement of God's unwavering faithfulness. Last night, I readdressed the issue on going on a mission trip to India/Nepal with my parents.

About a month ago I brought this issue up with them and there was a lot of resistance to the idea, given the fact that it will be the summer before my senior year of high school and that I am extremely busy as it is without the responsibility of fundraising. Last night we sat down and revisited the issue after a month of prayer. I explained to them how I really feel led there and that I cant imagine being anywhere next summer than there. Their response shocked me. They said, "If you really feel God calling you there, than you need to go. You may not have our financial support but you do have our prayer and moral support."

The entire night I was praising God for this great news! At the same time, I felt fear start to creep in. Afterall, I've got over $6,000 to raise in 8 months. But I have seen Him work miracles. I have seen Him do amazing things, why would this be any different?

With all that said, I stand amazed in his glory and love. I am so excited to start this journey. With the Lord's help it will be made possible.

And above all else:


Monday, October 8, 2012

He's Not Done Yet

I think we all can agree on the fact that God is a good God. He guides us through this life and holds our lives in His hands. He provides for our every need and even some of our wants.

As the autumn season is in full gear and almost over (for those in Alaska), its easy to see that our God is the creator of beautiful things. The air is crisp, but not too cold. The trees turn all kinds of beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows. As I stand in my yard I see His true beauty; the sun shines on my face, I have my cup of hot tea in my mitten-covered hands, my over-sized sweater and loose scarf keeping me warm. I look around and see the beautiful trees and how the sun shines on them just right. I look up and see the crystal clear blue sky. I can't help but smile at all of the marvelous things that He has created.

Often times I look around and see all that God has made and done for me and I thank him, but all too often I don't look in the mirror. As a teenage girl especially, I forget that I am too one of God's beautiful creations. Regardless of what I see in the mirror, God sees a beautiful masterpiece in process. "In process" are the key words there. I am not finished. I still have a lot of things not of God in my life. I get jealous, I tend to be prideful, and I question my worth on a regular basis: but that's okay. I know that God is not done with me yet.

We have all heard the scripture that says we are the clay and He is the potter, but last night at my young life group one of the leaders brought up another analogy: we are like an unfinished statue. Part of us looks like a human, while the other part is simply still a block of stone. We have to allow God to chip away all the things that are not of Him and that He doesn't want there, even though we know its going to hurt.

I may disrespect my parents from time to time, I may question my worth as a Christian or as a girl, and I may be a little bit nasty to other people from time to time, but I know that I am not finished. God started my life and I want Him to finish it. In the mean time, I know that He is working on me. I know that He is not finished with me yet.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Be Still and Know That I Am God

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalms 46:10

One of my favorite scriptures. I have read it hundreds of times, but this one time God revealed what it means, and how I should interpret it. It looks pretty cut-and-dry at a glance, "Be quiet, know that I am God, and that I will be exalted", And for the longest time that's what I thought it was. But last night as I went to my high school's Young Life, I felt God speak to me and reveal to me a completely different meeting.

If you really look at this, you will see that this is a command. Often times we think that its an option. Its really not. God isn't asking us to sit and enjoy all that He has made, He is commanding us to. Throughout our busy and hectic lives and schedules we often never stop. We never take time to simply "smell the roses". I am guilty just as much as the next, if not more of doing this. I fill my schedule with various AP classes, sports, work, family, and friends. Now, by no means am I saying that these things are bad, they aren't, as long as they are not gods in your life. I love sports, and challenging classes, and who doesn't like some extra cash? But, without even realizing it, I have made all these things a God.

Now, I may not be bowing down and worshiping these things, but I'm putting them before God. They take up the one thing we cant take back, time. They take away a majority of my time, time that I could be spending with God. I have struggled with this all my life. And looking back I can see how God has tried to get my attention. In May of this year I got a severe case of mono that stopped everything in my life, allowing me to do nothing but sleep and be still. Leading up to that I could see all the little clues and nudges that God was giving me, but I didn't listen. While I was laying in that hospital bed, I wasn't cursing God, nor was I questioning Him; I simply sat and listened and abided in His presence.

I had seemed to have forgotten that reminder because I was reminded again Sunday night to simply be still. I get so wrapped up in my own busy life, that I often times forget that God is really God. I ramble off prayers as if they are a burden to Him, or too much for Him to handle. I ramble off question after question after question but never sit and listen for the answer. How many things am I missing out on in life because I don't just sit and listen to Him. He has a small, still, voice. How am I going to hear that when I, a loud, obnoxious, teenage girl, can't stop talking.

So this week I challenge you, sit and be still. Truly be still. Don't just sit down. Sit down and meditate on His words and on His promises. Discipline your mind to not be thinking of anything else but Him. You will be amazed at the kinds of things He reveals to you.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thy Will Be Done, or My Will Be Done?

"Well.... I'm torn tonight. I finally talked to mom tonight. She apologized for everything that happened Sunday regarding the trip. We are going to revisit the trip issue in a week. I'm really scared that God is going to say no to this opportunity. Have I been praying a void prayer this whole time? What if I really don't want God's will for me? What if I only want God's will for me as long as it lines up with I want?"
--Prayer Journal Entry from September 27, 2012

Thy Will Be Done. I've prayed this everyday for about a month now; I end every journal entry with it, I end every prayer with it, I begin every day by praying it, and it never occurred to me until last night that I haven't really been meaning what I pray. As I discussed going on a mission trip for two months to India and Nepal with my parents, it occurred to me that I could very well be confusing God's voice for my own. I began to ask myself questions like "What if I really don't want God's will to be done?", "What if I don't want to do what He wants me to do?", and "What if I'm not willing to accept God's plan for my life?".

I began thinking about how badly I wanted to go on this mission. That's the problem. I was thinking about how badly I wanted to go on this mission, not how badly GOD wanted me to go on this mission. I thought about how amazing it would be, how many lives He could impact through me. I mean God wants me to go and spread the Gospel unto all the nations, so there is no way that I can mess this one up right? Wrong. It never occurred to me that maybe my mission field is here, at home. Sure the trip would be fruitful for the kingdom of God, but not necessarily for me.

It scared me to think that God might want me to stay home this summer. To me, it is so much harder and scarier to stay home and minister to my friends, than it is to go across the globe and minister on the streets to complete strangers. Afterall, they all need Jesus more right? Wrong again. They all need Jesus equally, regardless of where they live. If I'm being honest, I need Jesus just as much as those that are lost, if not more. There is just something about staying home and ministering to people that I know that shakes me to the core with fear. 

Through hours of prayer and questioning, I recognized that regardless of how scared I may be, it is still God's plan, and He is going to take care of me. As amazing as India and Nepal may be, God can do just as amazing things here, in little ole' Palmer, Alaska. Now, I'm not saying that my mind is made up. I still have a lot of praying to do before I make this decision, and I firmly believe that God will make it happen, if this is what He wants to happen. I am saying that I have prepared my heart to accept the fact that it might not be what God wants. But I have an overwhelming peace over the entire situation, and I can honestly say now that I am willing to do what GOD wants me to do, not what CASSIDY wants me to do.

With that said, for the first time in my life I pray this prayer with my entire heart and being,